It can be quite difficult to tell your family about your addiction. A lot of addiction articles on the web discuss ways to talk to someone about their substance abuse. But what if you’re the one who needs to talk to someone about your own addiction?
Even though you probably have a lot going through your head right now, it’s important to know that wanting to tell someone is a good thing – and a step in the right direction. By acknowledging your problem, you’re already past the denial phase, which is very difficult for addicts to overcome.
Below we share some tips on how to tell your family that you have a problem with drugs or alcohol. With the right support, you can kick your habit, start recovery, and discover your true self again.
Chances Are, Your Family Already Knows
If you have regular contact with your family, they probably already know that you have a problem. Addicts often assume they do a good job hiding their habit, but it’s usually not nearly as good as they think.
It’s possible that your family isn’t sure how to approach the issue or doesn’t know how out of hand it is. Or perhaps they’ve tried to talk to you about your substance abuse but you weren’t ready to hear it. Either way, you can probably approach the conversation with the assumption that this won’t be new news.
Nevertheless, it’s still hard to have this conversation. Your family probably doesn’t know the extent of your problem, and hearing it firsthand validates their fears. Be compassionate and understand that they may have strong emotions when hearing this news. But most families are relieved to hear that their loved one admits their problem and wants help.
Be Open and Direct about the Addiction
Even though your family may be aware of your problem, hearing it firsthand is never easy. But don’t beat around the bush. Come right out and tell your family that you have a drug or alcohol problem. You can say something like, “I want you to know that I’m struggling with addiction and want to get help.” It’s never easy saying these words, but once they’re out, you can move forward.
Take Responsibility for Past Hurt
Not all addicts are able to accept responsibility when they’re still using drugs and alcohol. They often blame others for their problems, which only makes the situation more frustrating. But if you’re ready to assume some responsibility, do so. This shows that you are aware of your addiction and serious about getting better.
Making amends comes later in the recovery process. Still, you can apologize now for the things you have done that have hurt your family. Saying you’re sorry shows that you understand your family’s feelings and are ready to stop the cycle of addiction.
Tell Your Family About Your Addiction and Share Your Plans
Once you tell your family about your addiction it’s time to make plans for treatment. You may have an idea of what you want to do, but it’s okay if you don’t. It’s helpful to have your family’s support when looking for addiction treatment centers and determining what insurance will cover. The important thing is that you are open and ready to receive drug rehab in Agoura Hills.
Even if you don’t know what to do for treatment, it’s helpful to understand your options. This way, you will be ready to discuss your options with your family. Here are the main options for treatment:
- Inpatient rehab. Inpatient rehab is best for treating severe addictions. You live at the facility and receive around-the-clock care. Most residential facilities offer detox and aftercare services as well.
- Partial hospitalization. Partial hospitalization programs, or PHPs, are day-long programs that treat substance abuse and behavioral problems. You don’t have to stay overnight, but the majority of your daytime hours are spent working on your recovery.
- Standard outpatient treatment. Outpatient treatment is the lowest level of care. It’s best for people who have received inpatient care, are in the early stages of their addiction, or are worried about relapse.
- Intensive outpatient rehab. Intensive outpatient rehab is similar to outpatient treatment except that you spend more hours a week in counseling. It’s an excellent step down from inpatient care.
What if I Don’t Think My Family Will Be Supportive?
All families are different. When you finally do tell your family about your addiction, if you don’t think your family will be supportive, talk to a close friend or relative who is likely to be supportive. Speaking with them first will help you build confidence before talking to your family. Support comes in all different forms, so it’s okay to have others in your support circle beyond your immediate family.
Keep in mind that your support circle will grow once you are in addiction treatment in Agoura. You’ll meet counselors and other recovering addicts who will support your journey and provide you with compassion and understanding. Some people have to look beyond their immediate family to find these connections, but it’s important to know that you are never alone.
The team at Awakenings Treatment Center will get to know you and the challenges you face. We give you all the tools you need to stay off drugs and build a life that you love. We also have a Family Program that meets weekly for 90 minutes. This gives you and your family an opportunity to reconnect, rebuild ties, and work towards healing.
Tell Your Family About Your Addiction to Start Your Journey to Healing!
Telling your family about your addiction takes courage, but it’s the first step in getting clean and sober. As we mentioned earlier, you should be proud of yourself and the fact that you recognize your problem. Recovery has to start somewhere, and it’s decisions like these that change lives for the better.
Awakenings Treatment Center will support you every step of the way! Contact us today to learn more about our holistic addiction treatment programs and how they can offer you the support you need to heal from your addiction.