eating disorder

5 Lesser-Known Eating Disorders You Should Know About

Some eating disorders are widely known, such as bulimia and anorexia nervosa. Bulimia is about binge eating and purging, while anorexia is about restricting food. While these two eating disorders are some of the most common, there are still many lesser-known eating disorders that you should know. 

Nearly 30 million Americans will be diagnosed with an eating disorder at some point, so it’s helpful if you’re aware of the different disorders. Maybe you’ve always thought you had an unhealthy relationship with food and nothing more, but it could actually be a diagnosable eating disorder that you’re struggling with. 

Let’s look closer at some lesser-known eating disorders and their signs and symptoms. 

1. Binge Eating Disorder 

The practice of compulsive binge eating is enough to be classified as a mental disorder. Binge eaters tend to eat a lot in times of stress, because it feels good and helps them cope with their problems. But binge eating disorder can cause a dangerous cycle where you frequently consume unusually large amounts of food and can’t stop. People with this disorder are often embarrassed of their eating, but can’t resist the urge to stop. 

2. Orthorexia 

Orthorexia is an unhealthy fixation on eating healthy. It may not look bad on the outside, because the person actually consumes a balanced diet, but the behaviors are concerning. People with orthorexia obsess about healthy eating to the point where it interferes with their daily functioning. They may also reject foods that are not “pure” enough. 

3. Body Dysmorphic Disorder 

BDD is a mental health condition that causes a person to spend excessive time worrying about the flaws in their appearance. They may see themselves as heavier than they are, or even disfigured. People with this condition often spend a lot of time looking at themselves in the mirror, comparing their looks to others, and obsessing over certain parts of their body. 

4. Purging Disorder 

Purging may sound familiar, but it’s actually very different from bulimia, which follows the pattern of binging and purging. People with purging disorder do not change their food intake. Instead, they throw up whatever they eat or take laxatives. It can be hard to diagnose a person with purging disorder, because they are often good eaters who are not overweight. 

5. Selective Eating Disorder 

Having selective eating disorder is not the same as being a picky eater. They may look similar, but selective eating disorder causes a person to pick up on flavors they perceive as intense and disgusting. Individuals with this condition may also have severe anxiety and feelings of nausea when asked to try new foods. 

Get Help for an Eating Disorder Today 

These are some lesser-known eating disorders. Even though they share some similarities with bulimia or anorexia, they are their own unique conditions. 

Eating disorders are about more than just food. There are often underlying problems driving this behavior and the need for control. To speak with our dual diagnosis rehab in California, contact Awakenings Treatment today. We treat eating disorders and other mental health conditions with medication and therapy.